In John chapter 15 verse 13 it reads, "Greater alove hath no man than this, that a man lay down his blife for his cfriends." Daniel Lee Knapp did just that on December 29, 2011. He gave his life to save another. He entered dangerous waters to save a stranger and in turn gave up his own life. He saw this person as a brother in the gospel of Jesus Christ and one who needed help. He is a true hero in every sense of the word.
He was a special agent in the FBI and recently won a couple of great awards for his hard work and service in Puerto Rico. Again, he was a hero to his country.
He was also a hero to his family, as he gave his kidney to his brother to save his life. This band of brothers each standing there at each corner of his casket to carry his body to its final resting place. A tribute to the fact that they are there for each other in this life and the next.
I only wish I could have known him better than I did because he was the type of person that many people would like to be. He loved his Heavenly Father and you knew it. He loved his fellow man and you knew it. He loved life and you knew it. He was prepared to return with honor to our Heavenly Father. I am sure that as he passed through the veil and was able to run as a child runs to their Father and with open arms to embrace in a giant hug that he heard these words whispered in his ear, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." May we live our life that the same can be said of us and that we too can hear those same words and be reunited again with Danny.
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